Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Power Supply dan Konektornya

Diposting oleh Unknown di 2:47:00 PM 2 komentar
Tiba-tiba keinget kegagalan gue di masa-masa ujian praktek kemren....
Keinget gimana susahnya jawab test wawancara dari sang dosen . . . gimana susahnya nyeting BIOS dan gimana susahnya Nyontek . . ., iya kali ini kagak bisa nyontek. Bner-bener ujian praktek individu, yang bisa ma kagak keliatan banged dah . . .
hmm..., pi ya sudahlah yang sudah biarlah sudah, yang terpenting berusaha memperbaiki kesalahan dengan cara BELAJAR biar besok di Ujian ngulang  bisa ngerjain . . .
CEMUNGUD *cemangadin diri sendiri nie critanya -_-

yuukk..., mari kita mulai belajar tentang POwer Suplay dan Konektor


Diposting oleh Unknown di 2:41:00 PM 0 komentar
Awalnya aku udah mengira pasti bgini jadinya [ baca : mual, pusink, jantung mo copot ]
Tapi karena menuruti ingin teman-temanku dan rasa penasaranku.Akhirnya ku beranikan diri naik wahana ini


Mo beli tiket udah manda mundu [ baca : ragu-ragu ] , tetep nekat beli...., tensi dunk, kalo dibilang penakut ma temen-temen yang laen..., hohoho.
Giliran Kita-kita udah tiba niih...., ati mah makin dag dig dug seeeeerrr . . ., naek tangga udah mulai gemeteran, Tapi tetep mantepin hati n ga lupa bilang bismillah . . .,
WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww . . . . . . . . . . . . . !!!!!!
Semua yang naik kora-kora ntu Teriak ketakutan..... stgah jalan perut ku udah mulai MUAL, jantung berasa mau copot. . . ., dan aku pucet..., nafas berasa kaya mau ilang . . . *lebay kynya yg ne.

ach..., pada intinya ne wahana bikin aku dan teman2ku MUAL . . ., iya gimana kagak mual, kitenye di goyang kenceng banged...., haah . . ., ga lagi-lagi dah naek ginian. ckup ne pertama dan terakhir. Cukup buat pengalaman ajee . . . :)

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Aplication Letter Job ( Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan )

Diposting oleh Unknown di 3:16:00 PM 0 komentar
January 19, 2012

Mr. George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
(909) 555-5555

Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

Complaint Letter

Diposting oleh Unknown di 3:06:00 PM 0 komentar
Kebumen, October 1, 2012

Customer Service
Tirtodipuran Street
Yogyakarta 45121

Dear Sir or Madam

I have ordered 12 packs consist of 12 clothes of new modeled Rara Djonggrang Batik on your Boutique which I ordered by phone on September 27. I received the order on September 30.  When I received those packs of Batik, there was one packs missing. I only got 11 packs of 12 packs that I ordered. To know whether there was one pack missing, you can check the amount of Batik which left your Boutique stock.


Diposting oleh Unknown di 11:57:00 AM 0 komentar

Owabong is the biggest water attractions in Central Java. This tour is in Bojongsari village, district Bobotsari, City Purbalingga, Central Java, ± 35 km from Navan. Revenue biggest tourist attraction is owabong Purbalingga region, because the government is always improving facilities and access channels to facilitate visitors to come to Owabong.

Dieng Plateau

Diposting oleh Unknown di 9:25:00 AM 0 komentar

Dieng temple complex.

Dieng Plateu is a marshy planteu that forms the floor of a caldera complex on the Dieng Volcanic Compelx near Wonosobo Central Java Indonesia Referred to as "Dieng" by Indonesians, it sits at 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level, far from major population centres. The name "Dieng" comes from Di Hyang which means "Abode of the Gods".
Part of General Sudirman's guerilla campaign during the Indonesian War of Independen took place in the area.

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex

Diposting oleh Unknown di 12:08:00 PM 0 komentar
Experienced writers use a variety of sentences to make their writing interesting and lively. Too many simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to understand. 
This page contains definitions of simple, compound, and complex sentences with many simple examples.  The purpose of these examples is to help the ESL/EFL learner to identify sentence basics including identification of sentences in the short quizzes that follow.   After that, it will be possible to analyze more complex sentences varieties. 

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